Wait For It… a blog by Andy Ross

Sunday Comic – Low Key

Posted on February 28, 2010

Low Key - by Andy Ross

[Author's note: In college, I drew a daily comic for the Daily Cardinal newspaper. Now, I'm re-drawing and coloring my favorites, and I'll be adding them every Sunday to this blog. Maybe, when I pull enough together, I'll put them in a book. I thought this one would be a good one to start with, because it's the most timely. Also, because I love it.]

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  1. That’s awesome. Curling makes about as much sense. :)

  2. that is jsut plain funny

    why don’t you offer it to the national curling body

    they would snap it up!

  3. YES!!!
    Side note: I was just using the “Phil took a leek in the shower” mug last night!

  4. DOUBLE YES!!!
    Side note: I still giggle at “Child Development” on a regular basis.

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