Wait For It… a blog by Andy Ross

Famous Misquotes

Posted on March 14, 2011

Republican JFK

Famous misquote from throughout history and the arts:

"We have nothing to fear but snakes." - Winston Churchill

"One small step for man; one giant leap for mankind. But, to reiterate: one tiny step for me. No big whoop." - Neil Armstrong

"Ich bin ein Dachshund." - John F. Kennedy

"Let them eat cake and/or chicken pesto penne with artisanal parmesan and a hint of truffle oil, all of which comes with their choice of soup or a chef's salad." - Marie Antoinette

"Today, I consider myself the pluckiest duck on the face of this big ol' shiny marble." - Lou Gehrig

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not get angry and pinch the backs of your legs?" - Shylock, Merchant of Venice

"To err is human, to forgive---that's amore!" - Alexander Pope

"We're not incandescent anymore." - Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

"Ask not what your country can do for you. Thank you." - Alternate Dimension Republican JFK (with evil goatee)

"If this Plymouth is a'rockin', don't come a'knockin'." - Malcolm X

"If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants fans to peek over the stadium wall." - Isaac Newton

"A thing of beauty is a joyful thing of foreverness.™ Diamonds by Kay." - John Keats

"Fools Rush In (1997 - Matthew Perry & Salma Hayek) Where Angels Fear to Tread (1991 - Helen Mirren & Judy Davis)." - Alexander Pope

"Today's is a turkey sandwich that will live on in my tummy." FDR

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the... no some... wait, what was I saying? Goddamnit!" - Abraham Lincoln

"Houston, we have a whoopsies." - Jim Lovell


Low Key – March 13, 2011

Posted on March 13, 2011

Reigning Cats and Dogs


Sense of Style

Posted on March 11, 2011

Why would you assume that I work for Bud Light? Just because my cargo van has a huge Bud Light logo on the side? That doesn't mean anything.

Would you assume any guy with a big "Chevy" sticker in his rear window works for Chevy? Of course not. Because making assumptions makes an ass out of both you and ... uh ... Assuming ... To assume that everyone’s an ass leaves the world blind.

What would you rather I have painted on my van? Some sort of wizard riding a pterodactyl over a beautiful waterfall? Yeah, that'd be amazing! I wish I had that on the side of my van! But, I'm not some fly-by-night van painter. I make my choices and I stick to them. I’d like to think that I have a unique personal style that exists outside of the whims of fads and fashion.

My van has a Bud Light logo; I wear a giant foam cowboy hat; I keep an extra grilled cheese in my fanny pack; my pink leather jacket has homemade fringe; my sunglasses are actually welder’s goggles; these plaid flannel pants tear away for hot days; my cornrows reach past my shoulder blades; I have multiple neck and wrist piercings; my sandals are made of duct tape; I have smiley face contact lenses; my blue lipstick matches my toenail polish; I wear a medieval quiver to hold my diablo sticks and juggling balls; my sideburns have a drawing of the Papa Smurf shaved into the side; my roller blades are covered with Garfield stickers. So? What of it?

Does that make you think I work for Garfield? Or that I write sexually inappropriate fan fiction about the Smurfs? Or that I can’t afford real sandals? Or that I was raised in a home without a sense of structure or love? Or that I just sort of scrounge around for a sense of identity? Or that my van has broken down on the way to Burning Man, and I need to borrow your jumper cables?

Because, a couple of those are correct.

Bully for you, Mr. Judgmental! WAY TO SOLVE THE MYSTERY! Now, can I borrow those jumper cables or what?


Proper Attire

Posted on March 10, 2011


Respectful attire and etiquette have gotten misplaced in our mixed-up, modern world. It used to be that men wore hats and ladies wore sundresses and bare feet. But, all that changed. Now, who knows what to wear?

So, as a man of impeccable refinement and taste, I have taken it upon myself to write this, a guide to proper attire in 2011. In each of these locations, consider the following as a sort of socially-accepted uniform for daily life.

The Office

Temporary Worker: Slacks or pencil skirt, blue button-down, dress shoes

Full-Time Employee: Slacks, sweater, black sneakers

IT Manager: SLAYER t-shirt, Cheetos-stained jean shorts, flip-flops


Trader Joes: Yoga pants, Susan G. Komen t-shirt, library tote bag

Whole Foods: Wrap sweater, age-inappropriate leggings, pearls

The Container Store: Tennis skirt, diamond engagement ring, pink hoodie with raised Greek letters


Barbecue Joint: Something barbecue sauce-colored

Steakhouse: French cuff shirts and about forty extra pounds

French Restaurant: Stripped shirt, beret, neck scarf

The Theater

The Opera: Tuxedo, top hat, women's underwear

Broadway Musical: Spiderman sweatshirt, Spiderman baseball cap, Spiderman sippy cup

Movie Theater: Spiderman sweatshirt, Spiderman baseball cap, Spiderman sippy cup

Sporting Events

Golf Game: Golf shirt, golf shoes, protective cup

Kentucky Derby: Fez, leather bustier, pink camouflage kilt, foam finger

American Soccer Bar: Team scarf, team jersey, Anglophilic pretension


Wedding: Wedding dress (bride), wedding suit (groom), SLAYER t-shirt and Cheetos-stained jean shorts (IT Manager cousin)

Graduation: Cap and gown, dress shoes, debt

Bat Mitzvah: An oversized tan pantsuit you’ll regret for the rest of your life


The Living Room: Flannel pajamas

The Kitchen: Flannel pajamas

The Bedroom: Flannel pajamas? But I thought tonight was sexy night?


Outlet Mall Restaurants

Posted on March 9, 2011

A list of outlet mall restaurants:
[Originally published in tweet form February 2011]

Green Lobster




The Cottagecheesecake Factory

The Pimento Garden


Sparrow Pizza


Cracker Bucket

Kansas Filleted Chicken


Reddish-Orange Julius


Plus, my favorite submissions from readers:

Cabybara Express . . . . from @sweaternine

Burger Duke . . . .  from @nickleggin

Steakback Outhouse  . . . . from @pixies1

Tooters . . . . from @chucko78

National House of Pancakes . . . . from @benryerson

California Soup Kitchen . . . . from @jennassembly


The Drug Talk

Posted on March 8, 2011

Son, sit down. I think it’s time we had a serious talk about drugs.

Don’t be nervous. I believe you when you tell me you don’t do drugs. Because, I know you wouldn't lie to me. I like to think we’re not just father and son; we’re friends.

So, as your friend, I understand that there’s a lot of peer pressure to get high. I simply ask that if you do decide to experiment, you do so here at home, where I know you’ll be safe. I don’t want you in somebody’s car or out in the woods where god-knows-what might happen. Y’know what? Bring the drugs home, and I’ll show you how to do them myself.

I’m serious. Feel free to bring home any weed or salvia or whatever the kids in your class are doing, and we’ll smoke up together in a safe, comfortable, adult atmosphere. Maybe with some classic vinyl on the stereo.

Because, here’s the thing: Drugs and alcohol are dangerous. You can get in serious trouble or even killed. Unless you know exactly what you’re doing.

Okay, go over to the closet and grab me that shoebox from the top shelf … Thank you. This is a vaporizer. This will deliver all the HTC straight into you like a gunshot. I’m showing you this, because this is the kind of thing you’ll want to stay away from. This is too advanced for you. You’ll probably want to start out with something simple, like this skull bong over here.

Listen, as your father, I’m totally fine with you experimenting and finding yourself, but only up to a point. ‘Shrooms are okay, but I do not want you trying cocaine or LSD. If someone offers you coke or LSD or even ecstasy, I insist that you bring those home immediately and hand them over to me to dispose of properly.

I love you, and I just want what's best for you, Son.

Here’s what I want you to do: I want you to take this eighty dollars and go to the parking lot behind the Ace Hardware. Tell a guy named Dusty that I sent you. Then, ask for a type of marijuana called Acapulco Tittyfuck. Don't write that down; just remember it. If he tries to push off something called Dunkweed, I want you to just say no.

Because, that shit is weak as hell.

Now, hurry up. Kung Fu Hustle is coming on Showtime at midnight, and we’ll need some provisions. I would take you there myself, but this monitoring ankle bracelet doesn’t reach past the mailbox.


Last Will, Testament and Murderers

Posted on March 7, 2011


"Last Will, Testament & Probable Murderers"

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.


[Text of the above audio.]

As I lie here in bed, dying of a deadly butt fungus, I have decided to record this, my last will and testament and list of my probable killers.

I, Reginald Henry Leopold, being of sound mind and body, hereby bequeath/accuse the following:

To my first likely killer, Jonathan --- I know it was you who killed me. As a mycologist, you had ample access to the many rare strains of butt fungus.

To you, I leave my dog, Buttons. She is a wretched little Yorkie who's never been house-trained and requires three insulin injections per day. You deserve it for murdering me.

To my second likely killer, Samantha Gurdy-Jones --- If Jonathan was not my killer, it most certainly was you. You're the only person who makes regular trips to the Amazon, where you could have easily bought deadly butt fungus on the black market. Also, I know you have never forgiven me for forcing the maid to give you up for adoption.

As my only legal heir, I leave you my mansion and collection of vintage automobiles. Please note, though, that I plan on haunting everything.

To my third possible murderer, Jenkins --- If neither my fungi-scientist lover nor my illegitimate daughter killed me, that must mean you are my murderer. You could easily have laced my hot tub with virulent fungus, knowing that I would be placing my butt in it.

To you I leave one million dollars. Because, if indeed you felt the need to kill me, that must mean that I never told you how much I appreciated all the hard work you've done over the years.

If in fact you didn't murder me, think of the million as a thank you for not killing me. Also for all the hard work.

To my fourth possible killer, Buttons --- I never in my life would have guessed it was you who killed me. You're just an wittle-bitty doggie. But, with all the other suspects cleared, that leaves you.

To you, I leave controlling ownership of the Charleston Shuckers, a minor league soccer team I won in a poker match. Be firm yet encouraging with them.

To my last possible killer, Marie --- It probably wasn't Buttons. She's a terribly mean-spirited dog, but she has no opposable thumbs, which are pretty essential for murder. And, looking back on it, the promise you made me to "never kill me using a rare butt fungus" seems quite suspicious after the fact.

To you, I leave the boat.

Thus ends my last will and testament. If any relatives remaining seek an unclaimed portion of my estate, please avenge my murder, and we'll see what happens from there.

Signed and notarized,
R. H. Leopold III


Low Key – March 6, 2011

Posted on March 6, 2011

Germ and Shepherd


First Kiss

Posted on March 4, 2011

Honey, I have something to tell you. I've been keeping this a secret for a long time, and it's always weighed on my heart. And, I hope that in finally saying it out loud, we can accept it and move forward stronger than ever.

Remember the story of our first kiss? Remember how you'd tell everyone that you knew it was true love, because a single drop of rain hit your cheek just as we were about to kiss? But, then it didn't rain. Like, somehow our kiss kept the clouds at bay? Well, it wasn't a raindrop. I gleeked on you.

There, I said it. Now, we can move on. Whew, it feels great to get that out in the open! Right? Okay, well, thank you for listening, and we don't ever need to talk about it again---

What's a gleek? ... You're asking what a gleek is? … Um, okay, well a gleek is when … a jet of … an involuntary jet of saliva shoots out of a person's mouth involuntarily. A tiny, tiny jet of saliva. I'm not sure where from---maybe from inside the cheek or under the tongue---

No no no! I didn't spit on you! It was just a gleek. That's totally different. I would never spit on you---

Yeah, but---

No, see---

Whoa, alright, slow down. I think I see the sticking point here. You seem to be assigning some sort of intentionality to gleeks, when that couldn’t be further from the truth. It is totally involuntary.

Here, let me look up the definition on my phone. I’m sure that’ll settle things ... Geez, bad reception. Let me just hold this up to the window, and...

There, see. A gleek is a “fan of the tv show Glee.” Goddamnit! That’s not what gleek means, Internet! God, I hate that stupid show! Who names their own fans? Stupid, self-satisfied asshole television.

Anyway, listen, while my phone reloads, let me just say that it doesn’t matter if it was a raindrop or an unintentional gleek. Our first kiss was beautiful and special, and even eleven years later, I’ll never forget it.

We were standing under that street lamp on West Washington Avenue, and you were wearing that green polka dot dress, and you’re hair was tied back. And, when I leaned in---

Yes, polka dot. Green with white polka dots ... Becky Santos? Oh, you’re right! That was Becky Santos who had the polka dots. Oh my god, that’s true. Wow, whatever happened to Becky? She was such a  sweetheart ...

Honey? Honey, where are you going? ... Don’t go! It was only a gleek!


[muttering] Dammit, that fucking show Glee ruins everything. I hate that show.



Posted on March 3, 2011


I know it's fashionable today to say that left-handedness is an equally valid lifestyle, that people are somehow born left-handed. But, let me make one thing clear---left-handedness is a choice, pure and simple.

Or, should I say impure and simple. [See what I did there? I used clever wordplay. Did you catch that?]

"But, who would choose such a depraved life?" you might ask, and probably are asking right now. Thank you for asking. Goofballs and nogoodniks is your answer. Goofballs and nogoodniks.

"Oooh, look at me. I get flummoxed by scissors. When I use a pencil, it looks like I'm protecting my lunch tray in a prison cafeteria." Shut up, lefty. I happen to have been to prison several times for check kiting, and that’s not at all what eating in prison looks like.

God, don’t you hate how left-handed people think they know everything about prison? It makes me so mad, I just want to titty-twister somebody.

Listen … listen ... listen to me, I am no blind bigot. A bigot is somebody who secretly wishes he were left-handed. And, I do not. Not never ever. Why would I want to be left-handed? So the cool kids would think I’m cool and let me into their cool leftish clubs? Gross.

So what if I can only climax using my left hand? That doesn’t mean nothin'.

Left-handed people are an abomination, impure and simple. [Tee hee, I did it again!] Let me ask you this, if God wanted us to be left-handed, why would he have invented right-handed can openers? Boom. Trump card. I just laid down the ideological trump card on you goofballs.

Some say it’s a matter of public decency, that left-handedness should be kept indoors. I say if you want to be left-handed in the privacy of your own home, that’s also disgusting. Grody, you guys.

I am so grateful that my parents had the foresight to send me to a sleepaway camp where the camp counselors bound my left hand to my leg and made me right-handed. It was totally worth all the confusion and self-hatred. Plus, now I can shoot a bow & arrow with my teeth.

So, I guess what I’m saying is that left-handed nogoodniks are goofballs. Grody, grody goofballs.

Listen up, southpaws. You can keep your screen printing and your Ethiopian food and your cargo vans. Who needs ‘em? Not me! [crying] You hear that, world?! [still crying] I don’t need anybody… I DON’T NEED ANYBODY! [storms out, knocking over gumball machine.]

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